Monday, September 28, 2009

Dharma Dog on Pilgrimage

Home! San Francisco! Cold is cool! Hot is not! I'm back in the Fog City by the Bay and I'm HAPPY! Pops and I came back from the Buddhist Bicycle Pilgrimage last night. Was it fun? Well, it was interesting. I saw cows and peacocks for the first time, and got to ride in a car with Uncle Eric, and sleep in a tent. It was an adventure. But it was not my idea of fun. I mean, there were a lot of nice people, and they all thought I was beautiful, and they loved that Pops and I came on the Pilgrimage and how he towed me in the trailer and all that, but it was so friggin' hot that I was in no mood for socializing. I couldn't wait to pull Pops and run with him next to the bike, but after only a few hundred feet of running, I was panting like a freight train on steroids! I'm a snow dog, fer chrissakes! I sure hope we can go on road trips again, but NOT in heat like this! Let's go to Montana or somethin' - like, go visit Uncle Marty's family... in the winter!

I can't figure humans - Pops, in particular. They torture thmeselves doing stuff like riding bikes through hundred-degree weather, then they talk about not suffering but "being with" the heat, or the pain and I'm like, I am being with the heat. Did I have a choice? And they talk a lot about death, like we had any choice in that! There were some funny-looking, bald headed guys - some in brown robes, some in white and one of them seem to be the leader of the pack and he said a bunch of stuff that was true because I knew it all along: you can't always get what you want and you can't always have control. You gotta be open to change and chance. You gotta be attentive, be mindful. And you can't be mindful if you're always thinking about something other than where you are now, or wanting to be somewhere else or someone else other than yourself. Well, I knew that! I'm a dog (a snow dog, fer chrissakes!) and my job is to be happy and you can't be happy living inside your head. That's not where the food is. You gotta be alert. You never know who might drop a piece of meat he's eating or run into someone like Pops who just came out of nowhere and now I live with him and Moms and Trina in their home and all I had to do was to be a good dog, which is what I was all along anyway, it's just that some people make it really hard and the best thing about Pops and Moms is that they just let me be. They "be with" the dog. Ha ha - I just thought of that!

Anyway, I don't mean to come off like I'm complaining about the heat or nothin' - just that it didn't make much sense to be in it doing the stuff we was doing. You know I never complain and I'd go anywhere with Pops and do anything (well, almost anything) for him. One thing I know is that he really loves me. I know he wanted so bad for me to come with him on this Pilgrimage, but he never forced me to run when I was too hot. He was always finding me shade and giving me water and when I wouldn't eat the dry food he brought, he gave me his food. Heh heh - my new rave is peanut butter on bagel and hard-boiled egg yolks! And, oh yeah, we slept together in his tent and I had my own sleeping pad and that afternoon at A Buy-a-Gary's place, when it got really, really hot, he gave me a rub-down with an ice pack. Oh-ho-ho that felt so good - never mind why the heck we were there in the first place. As I said, everyone loved me and I think I really added to the Pilgrimage, know what I mean?