Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Deer Hunter

Moms, Trina, Pops and me - the whole pack went to the Marin Headlands today. Pops and I have been lovin' it there for a long time but now Moms and Trina always want to come too. I don't mind. Trina Jieh-jieh and I have a lot fun sniffing around and exploring and finding new ways to hide from Moms and Pops and then showing up unexpected somewhere and... oh, yeah, the coolest thing happened today. We were just walking and all of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move on the hillside to my left. I looked up and it was two deers! They were the same color as the grass and bushes around them but they didn't fool me! All I had to do was watch for movement. I stared at them and felt my heart beating faster and faster. Soon the blood was rushing to my ears and Pops' voice started to fade out. My whole body started quivering and then I found myself tearing up the hillside, brush snapping and flying by all around me. The wind was blowing my way and I could smell the two deers - one was faster and the other lagged behind and I could see their little white tails bobbing up and down and they were terrified and I felt BAD-ASS! Nothing in the world existed except me and the deer, the deer and me, and the great big sky so full of fog and I couldn't even tell where the sky touched the ground 'cause I was like, IN the sky. Then... then the deers reached the ridge crest and disappeared over the top. By the time I got there, they were no where in sight. They were FAST! I stood there panting with my tongue hangin' out in the cool mist, looking, scanning the horizon and felt the wind laughing around my ears and the birds were laughing too and that was when I started to hear Pops calling me. Turns out he followed me for a while down the road but, of course, there was no way he could keep up with me. Poor Pops, he just stood there calling my name with his hands cupped facing the other hill 'cause he thought I went over there. I felt sorry for him so I came back down and reached the road just behind him. He turned around when he heard me panting and pretended he knew where I was all along. He's funny that way. I didn't call him on it. He doesn't even know the number of times I've spared him embarassment. I guess humans are pretty useless out there in nature. I gotta admit I've gotten pretty soft living with them but, man, that chase made me feel GOOD! After that it was just more exploring with Trina Jieh-jieh. We tried to go after some mice but that was nothing compared to the deer chase. Then we headed for home and Trina and Moms fell asleep in the car. Girls are such wusses, know what I mean? Pops and I were starving by the time we got home so we really chowed down. WOLFED down our food, ha ha... get it?