Monday, April 13, 2009

Another Day

Actually, today has been kinda busy. First order of business, of course, was to take Nikki out for his run - his morning constitution. Remember that term? Well it's my a.m. C, as well. The rest of the morning was spent driving around the Peninsula, taking photos for a client. Then a quick stop at OSH for a couple of planters. Then, lunch at home, and out into the garden.

I had planted a Japanese maple tree between clumps of bamboo a couple of years ago, but it hasn't been getting much sun, as the bamboos have overwhelmed it. So... here I am, transplanting the bamboos to the back. This also gives us some privacy from the neighbors.

When Nikki saw me with he garden hose, he thought I was going to give him a bath, but I reassured him I was not, and coaxed him back for a picture. He loves to lay out in the sun. I love working in the sun. Makes the cold beer afterward taste that much better!


  1. Woow,i like u'r siberian husky,cute i think...
    Nice to see u'r blog...

  2. Thanks! I, myself, am an old dog learning a new trick: blogs and blogging...

    Like your profile photo!
