OK, I see why Pops slacks off on posting. Sometimes there's just not much to report, so I've been slack too. Let's see now, where was I last? Oh yeah, J-town Arts garage sale. SCUZE me! Can anything be more fun that that? (Sarcasm intended). First off, Pops rode the bike down to J-town with me in tow - all city streets! Nothing but concrete, asphalt and idiots in death machines, i.e., "cars" to the rest of you. The he hitches me to himself while he helps set up - back and forth, back and forth, schelpping all this junk out to the parking lot. The rest of the day was spent hanging around the parking lot in the dreary weather. Good thing I don't mind the cold, unlike them humans, who were complaining ALL frickin' day. The worst part of it was they had all this fabulous meat, I mean MEAT, cooking on the barbie and what does Pops say? "No feeding the dog!" What's up with that? I got a few scraps from him, but man! Life is not fair! Oh yeah, check out the picture, you can tell just how wild it was. Duh... snore... By the way, I never did figure out just what the heck they were doing, but Pops sure was having a great time... all that yackin' and hand-shakin and laughing. Sheesh... I'm like, can we GO already?
The next few days were a little better, though it's a bit hard to remember one day from the next. They say that happens when you get old - can't remember anything - but I'm only 3! That's 21 in human years, barely starting prime of life. Well, I know one day we went to Baker Beach with Trina and Moms. That's always fun, but I just can't remember what we did. Probably chased her around and grab her by the scuff of her neck. She doesn't like that but I just can't help myself. I love Trina Jieh-jieh and that's what I do when I love someone.
Oh, I know... Pops been getting back into running again, so we ran a few times. That's always fun. I just pretend Pops is the lead dog and we're on an iditarod or somethin'. Well, you know, you gotta have 'magination.
OK, I'm rambling... let me get back to y'all when there's more to report. Oh, Hey... don't forget to check out my book - I mean, the book Pops made of me. Of MOI! How cool is that? Remember, Travels with Dharma Dog, available at blurb.com. Hurry, while supplies last!
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