Tuesday, October 20, 2009


It's late October and it's been raining. I wish the rain would turn to snow, when hunger turns to hope. I will freeze my prey in mid step with my icy blue eyes, and go in for the kill.

Pops took me down to Baker Beach today. The surf was pretty rough and got me kinda excited. Everything was cold and grey... and I loved it! It's great that Pops is back and we're doing our morning thing again. He had been gone a week... in LA. I didn't really miss him till today, when we started doing our old things again. Funny, huh? His friend Bruce was here staying with me and Trina Jieh-jieh, and I guess I enjoyed the little change in routine and didn't think too much about him or Moms. She was gone too.

When Pops and I came back from the Pilgrimage, he was all cheerful and stuff, but this time, coming back from LA, he's been kinda quiet. I heard him say he had a good time - hangin' out with his sister, seeing some old friends - he lived in LA for a couple of years, it seems - and reading a lot of books. He also met his sister's new dog name Palomino - an American Bulldog (a pit bull, if you ask me!) 'cause he's white with brown patches all over. Somebody says he looks like a cow! HAHAHA! Pops also saw the new Chinese Gardens at the Huntington. All sounds like a good time, to me. Must be the books, 'cause they make him think too much and when he thinks too much he gets all quiet and moody. Maybe you should stay away from the books, Pops!

What was he reading? Well, he really liked the book Uncle Juan gave him by a writer named Some Upset Mom (?huh?) called the Razor's Edge (da heck is that?!)

"I can relate," he said.

Then he read a book about President Kennedy and his brother Bobby.

"Scary how little has changed," he said to Moms. And yet, he's still reading it. Geez...

Anyway, I think our outing this morning to Baker Beach made him feel a lot better. I know, I have that effect on people, thank you...

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